1995 Bounder 35U Class A Motorhome

1995 Bounder 35U with only 22 000 Original Miles 35 ft Class A Motorhome Wide Body with L-Shaped Galley Queen Bed Model Bay Windows L Shaped-Lounge Seating with Hide-a-Bed Dinette Table with 2 Chairs Large Side by Side Refrigerator Dual Roof Top A C Rear View Camera Shower Enclosure 7000 Watt Generator with Only 622 Hours 18 Gallon Propane Tank New Batteries 4-12 New Tires 5-13 New Awning 9-13 Roof Re-Sealed 11-10 Nice Older Motorhome in Great Condition Inside and Out Sale Price Now Only 16 995 Trades are Welcome Cash offers will be considered Germaine RV & Marine ( Sales Service & RV Renovators ) We can Fix It 2145 E. Main Street Mesa AZ 85213 480-222-4660



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