Nissan Pneumatic Tire Propane Forklift, 2600LBS Lift Capacity

Nissan Pneumatic Tire Propane Forklift 2600LBS Lift Capacity. Three stage telescopic mast lowered 73 raised 152 . No side shift. Starts easy and runs excellent no smoke. This is a tight machine clock reads 948 hours. Previous owner stated he purchased the machine in 1998 with 390 hours. Comes with (full) propane tank and tire chains. Tires all like new. There is no rust on this machine it appears it has always been stored indoors. F L has a small transmission leak otherwise a nice little machine. Year unknown. Model F01A14V. Type G 257H. I only accept phone calls no text messages or emails. 6000.00 Cash - Please don t waste my time with low ball offers.



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