Entry Level - Maint Tech Support

The Corporate Office of E-Express is looking for additional help. We are seeking an entry level Maintenance Tech Support who is independent self-motivated and a team player. We have 11 locations around the Oklahoma City Metro including Edmond Yukon Midwest City Del City and Okemah - we need you as support Visit our website to apply www.eexpresscorp.com ApplicantForm.php SERIOUS APPLICANTS ONLY MUST SUBMIT A RESUME MUST PASS BACKGROUND CHECK Job Description - Maintain Surveillance Cameras - 12 locations (including corporate office) - Export Burn Surveillance Footage - Install Fix Computer Issues - Install Fix Networking Issues - Install Fix Printer Related Issues - Install Fix Loyalty Program Related Issues - Install Fix Menu Board Related Issues - Install Fix Software Related Issues - Maintain Alarm Codes - all locations - Routine Checks on all electronics for all locations - This is not a complete list of duties and others may be assigned for the position Requirements - Must work a flexible shift including nights weekends and holidays - Must be able to lift push and or pull up to 50 lbs. - Must be mechanically inclined - Previous maintenance preferred - Professional - Excellent communication skills - Independent and Efficient - Bilingual (preferred) For consideration please visit the website at www.eexpresscorp.com ApplicantForm.php to fill out an online application.



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