Enviromental Construction Worker Needed!

ENVIROMENTAL CONSTRUCTION WORKER NEEDED (OKC) Mirage International INC is seeking responsible hardworking personnel for construction abatement of Asbestos Mold & Lead Based Paint in various environmental situations. We have started a new project and need several personnel to augment our current crews. Training provided if necessary. Applicants must have NO FELONIES OR DRUG CHARGES WITHIN THE PAST 10 YEARS as portion of our business is with the military and persons must pass a criminal background check before being able to perform work on Tinker AFB. Prospective employees must have a valid Oklahoma Driver s license and reliable transportation. Wages begin at 12.00 per hour with a performance evaluation after six (6) months of work. Prior experience or possessing a valid Department of Labor Asbestos Worker license may effect starting wage. To apply contact Chris (at) 405-496-6144 or respond to this ad via e-mail at smurfokc(at)gmail.com. PLEASE CALLS ONLY FROM 8 30AM UNTIL 4 00PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY



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