Salmon Arm Courthouse Area - 782 Home Ideal for Professional Off

570 Okanagan Avenue SE Salmon Arm V1e 1G7 Great opportunity to own the land your business is located on Zoned C2 this former house on busy Okanagan Ave is now zoned for commercial use. Directly across from City Hall and Courthouse it would provide an ideal office space. 782 sq ft on the main floor with potential for offices or a suite in the basement. Level 0.14 acre lot with 50 feet of frontage on Okanagan facing City Hall. Lane access. A very high traffic area with easy access to public transit and the Trans-Canada Highway. Easily adaptable to a variety of uses. This is a great location for a professional office day care hair salon spa or bring your ideas. MLS 10075549. For more information call Jim Grieve at 250-833-6312 or visit Marketed by Jim Grieve Realtor Personal Real Estate Corporation Homelife Salmon Arm Realty



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