Carpet ROLL Liquidation Sale! - $995 (Central Florida)

1 Roll of New Carpet (Short Pile Plush) ON SALE 995.00 (1 Roll is 200 sqyard 1 800 sqft.)Pick up or delivery available.No other discounts apply. While supplies last.Call us 407-709-2362 Carpet Cleaning Mattress Cleaning Upholstery Sofa Cleaning Carpet Repair Carpet Stretching Carpet Installation Carpet for Sale Cheap Carpet Carpet Installation Carpet Cleaning Carpet Cleaners Carpet Installed Carpet Installer Flooring for sale New floors Carpet Pad Install new rug carpet replaced Carpet Replacement. Carpet Sales Replace carpeting Kissimmee Saint Cloud Orlando Davenport Poinciana Celebration Haines City Harmony Lake Nona Clermont Winter Garden Windermere Ocoee Winter Park Altamonte Spring Maitland Oviedo Casselberry Apopka Eatonville Winter Haven UCF Union Park University Blvd Collage Park Hunters Creek Avalon Park Baldwin Park Champion s Gate Reunion etc. Florida FL 34741 34744 34746 34747 34758 34759 34769 34772 34773 34771 32824 32837 33837 33844 32821 32830 32836 32819 32827 32832 32819 32809 32812 32787 34786 32839 32806 32822 32811 32835 32805 34734 32825 32828 32803 34761 32808 32804 32813 32897 32818 32817 32826 32789 32810 32730 32714



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