1997 Formula 27 PC

Contact David (at) 612-803-0528 or dclynch(at)comcast(dot)net. Excellent example of one of the most popular models Formula made. This fresh water boat is in a covered slip in great shape and is completely Turn Key.Dimensions LOA 27 ft 0 in Beam 9 ft 7 in Maximum Draft 3 ft 5 in Dry Weight 9000 lbs Engines Engine 1 Engine Brand Mercruiser Year Built 1997 Engine Model 5.7L Engine Type Inboard Engine Fuel Type Gas Petrol Engine Hours 654 Propeller 3 blade propeller Engine(s) Total Power 250 HP Engine 2 Engine Brand Mercruiser Year Built 1997 Engine Model 5.7L Engine Type Inboard Engine Fuel Type Gas Petrol Engine Hours 654 Propeller 3 blade propeller Drive Type Stern drive Engine(s) Total Power 250 HP. Tanks Fresh Water Tanks 1 (26 Gallons) Fuel Tanks (107 Gallons) Holding Tanks 1 (30 Gallons). Accommodations Number of double berths 2 Number of cabins 1 Number of heads 1. Electronics CD player TV set DVD player VCR Depthsounder VHF Radio. Inside Equipment Microwave oven Refrigerator Hot water Battery charger Marine head Electric bilge pump. Electrical Equipment Shore power inlet. Outside Equipment Extras Swimming ladder Cockpit table. Covers Bimini Top Cockpit cover.



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