College Students looking to Rent a Home in Santa Cruz CA

There is three of us Jacob Millie and I Jasmine all 19-year old Hispanics from San Jose CA. We all attend attended DeAnza College and are looking to transfer for the fall semester at Cabrillo College this would make us sophomores in college. The three of us only own two vehicles and no pets. Lastly we would like to inform you that we recently in the last two months have gotten a credit card. Therefore we currently do not have credit soon enough we will. If there is any need for parent guarantees references co-signers etc. we are willing to participate. Again we apologize that we do not have credit all we can say is soon enough over the next several months we will be able to provide you credit reports and further documents needed. Please get back to me as soon as you can at jasminepenaloza12(at) or call text (408) 679-5273 (if the phone isn t answered I am at work leave a voicemail and I will get back to you as soon as possible). Thank you and take care



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