Just by volunteering one hour a week you can make a big difference in the life of an older adult who is depressed coping with life changes or suffering from the loss of a loved one. The Senior Peer Counseling Program at Peninsula Family Service is offering an October FREE training for new volunteers. Our classes will teach you to be an active listener recognize and respond to grief depression and anxiety and work with diverse cultures. If you are 55 years or older and have an interest in helping older adults in your community give Senior Peer Counseling a call at 650-403-4300. Older adults deserve to live the best life possible. Program languages include English Farsi Hindi Mandarin & Cantonese Spanish and Tagalog and to the LGBTQ community.Training in English Oct. 2nd Oct. 31st every Tuesday and Wednesday morning from 9 am-12 30 pm.Training in Spanish Sept. 22nd Nov. 3rd every Wednesday from 6-9 PM and Saturday 9 AM-Noon.Volunteer counselors receive FREE special training with the tools to provide confidential support. After completing training counselors work one-on-one with participants to help them manage loneliness or social isolation life changes health concerns depression and loss of family and friends.



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