Enderby/Salmon Arm - 160 Subdividable Acres

T140 Hadow Road Enderby BC V0E 1V3 Just minutes from town and set in peaceful and rural surroundings this 160 acres has spectacular views rolling hills southern exposure natural gas and is in an area of good water. Property is in the final stages of rezoning to Non Urban Zone and will offer the opportunity to create a subdivision of 18 acre parcels. Located just off Highway 97B approximately 10 miles from Salmon Arm and Shuswap Lake and 5 miles from the community of Enderby MLS 10061063. For more information or to set up a viewing please call Jim Grieve at 250-833-6312 or visit www.jimgrievesalesteam.com. Marketed by Jim Grieve Realtor Personal Real Estate Corporation Homelife Salmon Arm Realty Toll Free 1-800-890-9166



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