Country Estate in Fayetteville Arkansas

Gulley Road 840 000.00 3241 GULLEY RD N Fayetteville AR 72703 31 Photos 5 Bed 4.0 Bath4697 SF Tour 3189344 ONE-OF-A-KIND COUNTRY ESTATE AT THE EDGE OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY LIMITS. 7-STALL HORSE STABLE 2000 SQ FT HEATED MORTON BLDG 768 SQ FT OFFICE GUEST HOUSE 20 X 40 IN-GROUND HEATED POOL. SOLID HOME WITH HUGE ROOMS ON 7.48 BEAUTIFUL ACRES. PERFECT LARGE FAMILY HORSE FARM OR BUSINESS For more information please contact David JohnsonRE MAX Associates Fayetteville AR479-684-5757479-684-5755 Fax Information supplied by sellers. Deemed reliable but not guaranteed.



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