3 Bedroom 2 Full Bath Ranch Style House For Sale. Great Starter Home. Great Investment Property. Plenty of closet space. Living room Dining room and Kitchen open space format with cathedral ceilings throughout. Gas fireplace in Living room. Appliances include Refrigerator Washer and Dryer Electric range and Dish washer. Heating is gas forced air. Full attic for storage. Covered front porch and back yard patio. Large private back yard. Storage shed included. Offstreet parking private 2 car driveway. Close proximity to all Wake County public schools-elementary middle and high school. Close to shopping malls and downtown Holly Springs. 20 minute commute to Raleigh. House was built in 2000. 1 OWNER. Taxes 1332.00 per year. Homeowners association 60.00 annual. House for sale by owner. Must see



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