Seeking Veterans for the Heavy Equipment and Heavy Construction

Are you interested in becoming a Heavy Equipment Operator but don t have any experience or the required certification needed to get the job Are you getting ready to end your term of service in the military or have recently left the military The Heavy Equipment Academy is a VA approved vocational school and eligible for coverage under the MGIB and the Post 9 11 GI Bill which covers the entire cost of the school. We are proud of our commitment to America s military and dedicate our professional lives to helping service men and women transition successfully into the civilian labor market. Our goal is to provide you the equipment operator skills to confidently walk onto a construction project and be a valued and skilled member of the team. The academy s Heavy Equipment Operator Training programs are designed to give you the experience knowledge and certification you need to transition to a successful civilian career. All of the curriculum is based on industry practices and is recognized on a national level as delivering successful students. Our teaching philosophy mirrors that of the military and all our instruction is based on demonstration and then student performance. More than 70% of your time will be spent in the operator seat learning safe efficient and effective techniques. The Heavy Construction Academy owns over 55 pieces of heavy equipment unlike other schools you will never share equipment ore spend any time waiting to operate and train. The Academy only allows 20 students in each starting class so you will never share equipment or spend your valuable time waiting to operate and learn. In our Heavy Equipment programs you ll learn core skills that include Basic and Advanced Operational Techniques Safety Precautions and Preventative Maintenance Grade Calculations Blueprints and Site Layout Excavation Formulas and Introduction to Project Management You will be certified on the following equipment during the first three weeks -Skidsteer (Bobcat) Front end Loader Articulating Dump Truck and Backhoe During the second three weeks you will train and certify on -Excavator Bulldozer Motor Grader Scraper Vibratory Roller and Off Road Forklift. Job Leads The industry of construction is sometimes unique when it comes to the job search. Our students are provided with the tools needed to find fresh leads as well as counseled on how to represent themselves to a potential employer. Our tried and true methods repeatedly prove that our system works and it s really not rocket science. Graduates leave with the knowledge and ability to become some of the construction industry s most successful innovative leaders and upon graduation Academy graduates are ready to meet the demands and requirements of the construction industry. If you are separating from the military we will focus our job search on the area or location that you want to work in. Lodging while in attendance the Heavy Construction Academy will provide lodging at no additional cost to you. Staying at the Towne Place Suites by Marriott Manchester NH you will enjoy complimentary breakfast wireless internet indoor pool fitness center with personal viewing systems 32 flat screen TVs Mini-fridges microwaves in-room coffee makers in-room hair dryers. Lunch is also provided Monday through Thursday. Classes are scheduled Monday through Friday with Friday being a half-day. Call David Smith Office phone number is 910 922 5632



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