Team Leaders Needed

We are looking for professionals to Consumer Specialists nationwide. We offer a risk-free system online which is fully guaranteed. We have a very high retention rate which can result in substantial amount of residual income. We have several positions available for motivated people with sales skills and longevity. You have the ability to make 36 000 - 88 000 per year. WE PAY WEEKLY Training and materials are provided. If you are dedicated hard-working and ready to take on a new opportunity we just might be the right fit for you You must be outgoing as well as possess a willingness to stick through until the end. Only committed people who will put forth their full potential need apply Call 858-376-seven-two-nine-nine or email dray.pmg at gmail dot com IF NO ANSWER PLEASE LEAVE A VOICEMAIL WITH FULL NAME AND BEST CONTACT NUMBER YOU MAY ALSO TEXT THIS SAME NUMBER 858-376-SEVEN-TWO-NINE-NINE AND STATE YOUR NAME AND BEST TIME FOR PHONE INTERVIEW. CALLS AND MESSAGES ARE CHECK AND ANSWERED 24 7 PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL TEXT OR EMAIL



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