Oak Rail Fence or Panel Fencing

If you re planning to make an investment in your property with fencing look at the option of an attractive oak fence that will last for many years with no rotting or deterioration outdoors. We use northern white oak for our fencing materials because of the rustic look and feel it s durability and strength and it works well if you re fencing for cattle or horses (horses don t like the acidic taste so don t chew it). We ll supply the rails posts custom gates and hardware for a traditional 4-rail fence or a great panel system that allows you open the panels every 16 feet along the entire fence line. We make the hardware in our blacksmith shop so it not only has the traditional look but it s heavier and stronger than what s available in the farm store. We can customize the hardware to suit your needs for hinges pins brackets or latches. The gates we build can be the size and style that suits your fencing project so your completed fence is exactly what you want on your property. Call me to discuss your fencing needs and we ll talk about the materials you ll need. Thanks for taking time to read my ad. Steve 952-232-7115.



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