Spook-tacular Auction....Tuft Sofa Gorgeous Stained Glass Cathed

Trick or Treat... ...It s all treats with the amazing treasures you will find at Magnolia Gardens Auction House Saturday October 27th Don t be haunted by auctions past.....spend the evening with us this Saturday and fill your treat bags with treasures. Gorgeous Stained Glass a lovely tuft sofa cathedral arch decorator pieces antique wood beds a beautifully carved two piece server farm cabinet upholstered chairs industrial cart French Provincial highboy dresser and night stand a cute vintage brownie camera vintage scrapbooks copperware brass desk lamps modern tv stand Samsung TV signage antique side by side and so much more to come this week Our doors will open at 5pm for viewing and sale will start at 7pm. We invite you to visit and follow us on our Facebook page as well as our website at www.magnoliagardensauctionhouse.com pictures are posted daily and an excellent way to get a first hand look at the weeks upcoming auction. Remember if you can not make it you may always call and leave an absentee bid all we need is the amount you wish to bid on all of your favorite items payment and contact information. Seat reservations can be made by calling 281-516-7251 or 713-363-4855. Thank you for your support and loyalty. Tina Murphy 16380Items Sold As Is16% Buyers PremiumCash Check and Credit Card AcceptedOpen to the PublicDealers Welcome



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