Wood Slabs for Countertops, Wood Bartops, Wooden Islands, Big/Lr

(973)923-3273 Our wood slabs are ideal for table tops counter tops bar tops kitchen islands and much more. The ideas are limitless We can design and fabricate an idea for you or you can do-it-yourself if preferred. These slabs can be ordered with or without the bark still on them a.k.a. live edge. Our band saw can cut up to 30 feet in length and 36 inches in width. Some species that we have in stock are Pines Hemlocks Black Walnut Cherry Maples and Oaks. Thickness varies from one inch and up. We also manufacture reclaimed ceiling beams fireplace mantles wide plank flooring barn siding barn doors timber trusses custom antique furniture and offer milling services as well. Come visit or showroom to see what we have to offer or visit us at our website at www.realantiquewood.com CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT& DESIGNER DISCOUNTS ON LARGE QUANTITIES Conveniently located 15 minutes from the Holland Tunnel 25 minutes from the GWB 20 minutes from Brooklyn 30 minutes from Staten Island Take advantage of our 3.5% sales tax



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