2013 Ford E-Series Cargo E-250

Cargo Van ABS brakes Air Conditioning Carfax 1- OWNER CLEAN CARFAX Electronic Stability Control Keyless entry Power Door Locks Power Windows Still under Manufacturers Warranty And Traction control. Visit www.realdeal.com ttax6 to view a Free Price Check Here at Szott Ford we try to make the purchase process as easy and hassle free as possible. We encourage you to experience this for yourself when you come to look at this superb 2013 Ford E-250. Ford has established itself as a name associated with quality. This Ford E-250 will get you where you need to go for many years to come. At Szott Ford we use third party software daily to compare our pricing to all of the dealer and private party listings on the internet in our area. Our competitive price will be below market and always below Kelly Blue Book Retail Price. Szott Ford reconditions vehicles to the highest standards and ensures vehicle quality by running a Carfax on every vehicle. Our top-notch finance team will work with multiple finance sources to get you the best rate available. Internet price is based on dealer arranged financing.



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