New Paint, New Carpet ready to move into in convient to I-540

1424 Cannondale Drive 154 000.00 1424 Cannondale Drive Fayetteville AR 72704 19 Photos 3 Bed 2.0 Bath1682 SF Tour 3110805 NEW INTERIOR PAINT. NEW CARPET SOON. OVER-SIZED MASTER SUITE LARGE KITCHEN DINING AREA FIREPLACE IN EXPANSIVE LIVING ROOM THAT HAS WOOD FLOORS. SPLIT BEDROOM PLAN.COVERED PATIO LANDSCAPED CORNER LOT IS BEAUTIFUL. NEAT COMFORTABLE FIRST OF LAST HOME. For more information please contact David JohnsonRE MAX Associates Fayetteville AR479-684-5757479-684-5755 Fax Information supplied by sellers. Deemed reliable but not guaranteed.



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