New Construction Home In The Oaks - Kissimmee

BRAND NEW 2 story home. 4 Bedroom 3 baths 3 car garage(split) Beautiful front stone elevation at Shingle Creek Reserve At The Oaks golfing and boating community with quick access to Kissimmee s Lake Tohopekaliga. Grand floor plan with Loft on 2nd floor ideal as a 2nd Family. Features include Gourmet Kitchen with SS Double Wall Ovens and Cooktop. 42 Maple Cabinets with Crown molding and stagger cabinets. Kitchen Backsplash Huge Granite Countertop and Island and Walk-in Pantry. Tile in Wet Areas Family and Dining Rm. Executive Walk-in Closets in Master Bathroom. Private Homesite. Listing courtesy of MLS



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