ATTENTION LADIES... HOLIDAY SALON SPECIAL Its the Holiday Season... Lots of Holiday Events to attend... With all the stress of shopping decorating... I know you ladies could enjoy a little pampering Make a Hair Statement... Take advantage of these Special Offers Turned-Up TUESDAYS Doobies Basic Roller Styles 25 Wrap-It WEDNESDAYS Flat Wraps 20 Color-Me-Bad THURSDAYS All-Over Color Style 40 Relaxed FRIDAYS Relaxers 45 Sassy SATURDAYS Waxing(Eyebrows Lip Chin) 8 OR New clients will receive a 10 discount on their initial visit to the salon. Refer-A-Friend for an Initial Visit theyll receive the 10 Discount too Please Contact Angelina at (910)257-4948 for an appointment... Dont forget to bring or mention this Ad Located inside These Girls Can Curl Salon at 8175 Cliffdale Rd. Fayetteville NC 28314 (Food Lion Shopping Ctr.) If your Style is no longer BECOMING to you... You should BE COMING to Me CALL TODAY OFFER EXPIRES 01 04 2014



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