3 bed 1 bath with just under 2 ach for sale

if you are looking or a camp or home For Sale 3 bedroom 1 bathroom single wide manufactured home on just under 2 archers of land for sale. home is in olanta area Clearfield school district. the house comes with stove fridge dishwasher above ground 26x52 pool. and plenty of wild life. keep your self warm in the winter with the outdoor wood burner. the house has a 12x12 addition with many updates. the hard wood floor were hand made by owner out of inch and 1 4 knotty pine in the living room and the remodeled kitchen. There was all new carpeting placed just under a year ago. if you enjoy long walks with the wild life and quiet evening by the fire at the outdoor fire pit this is the place for you. serious inquires ONLY Thank you.



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