Used tires and inner tubes

JESUS AND KAIRO RECYCLE TIRES 300 E. Main st. Unit A Ontario California Zip code 91764 We sell used original and recap tires also for casting many in stock class A 50% and B 80% and many more also we sell tire powder from recap industries call for information my phone is 1-626-324-3481 or 1-626-310-3324 or at jesuskairoexportires(at) also in facebook jesuskairo recycle tires and jesuskairorecycletires(at) contact us for a quote LLantas para reencauchar- Tires for Re-cap Casing This menu is for casing tires only 5 YEARS OF USED LIFE 225-70-R-19.5 245-70-R19.5 265-70-R19.5 285-70-R19.5 305-70-R19.5 215-75-R17.5 235-75-R17.5 305-70-R-22.5 275-70-R22.5 255-70-R22.5 255-80-R22.5 10-R22.5 295-80-R22.5 295-75-R22.5 275-80-R22.5 11 R22.5 11R24.5 12R22.5 385-65-R22.5 425-65-R22.5 445-65-R22.5 445-50-R22.5 445-55-R22.5 10.00R-20 10.00-20.00 9-00-20 LT 225-75-R16 LT 215-85-R16 LT-245-75-R22.5



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