1947 Piper PA-11

1947 PIPER PA-11 CUB SPECIAL___ AVAILABLE FOR SALE ___ AFTT - 5133.79 O-200-A (100 HORSEPOWER) ETT 1421.67 TSMOH 568.04 Aircraft has full electrical system McCauley 74 36 PROPELLER Garmin 250XL Atlee Dodge extended baggage long step heavy duty landing gear front and rear header tanks H- brace in tail 26 in Good year tires Baby bush wheel tailwheel Atlee dodge safety cables mesh wing covers Federal 2000 ski___s like new Baumann BF 1500 floats with 2 hatches per side many more STC___s and complete logs since new. View The Rest Of This Seller s Inventory www.specialtyauto.net (opens in new window)...



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