Very Girlie Toddler Dresses 2T- 4T (N Towne Ave Pomona CA)

Pre-owned very girlie dresses look like new. Im selling it because i just bought it some of it 6months ago and she just keeps growing too fast. she is only 3yrs but she needs size 5T now.The dresses look really cute and well maintained brands are baby gap gymboree childrens place& calvin klein. I have like 30 dresses winter indoor pjs coats from weatherproof & londog fog and i have some pants & costumes dresses too.I can also give extra cute dresses for just indoor or just for house. If i sell per piece depends on the dress price when i bought it it might range from 1-3 dollars each. I also have very cute hats to go with the dresses included ( i jz forgot to picture it ). Please see in person to appreciate.



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