1. LG MICROWAVE OVEN UNDER HOOD RANGE Like New- In Box No damage Excellent Condition. 1502. DELTA 16 SPEED DRILL PRESS GRINDER VISE & Nice Stand Included Excellent Condition. 2003. ASSORT. TOOLS 20 For Everything4. ACE 10 TABLE SAW Runs great. Needs new adjusting front handle. 405. CRAFTSMAN 12 BAND SAW 1-Hp. Like New- Excellent Condition. 2006. HAWK PRESION SCROLL SAW Like New Runs Great. 4007. BOSTICH SAWS-ALL Runs Great. 308. POWERHEAT INFRA-RED HEARTER Like New Excellent Condition. 1009. SOLD10. PUSH-MOWER Has some rust glides easy cuts good blade can be sharpened. 3011. POWERFUL CLOTHES STEAMER Used but Works Good & in Great Condition. 5512. WHITE ENAMEL GAS STOVE TOP No flaws 4 Burners all works. Call for more info. 150More Photos upon request



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