Best liver transplant surgery in Ahmedabad

Liver Diseases And Liver TransplantLiver Transplant Services Shalby offersLiver SurgeryMajor Hepatectomy for liver cancer Complex liver resections for hilar Cholangiocarcinoma Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Liver Metastases Caudate lobe resections Parenchyma preserving liver resections (Posterior Sectorectomy Bisegmentectomy Atypical Resections) Staged procedures (including interventional radiology and liver resection) for management of Colorectal Liver MetastasesLiver resection for Neuroendocrine Liver Metastases Pancreatic SurgeryWhipple s procedure Complex pancreatic resections Surgery for chronic pancreatitis Surgery for Cystic Pancreatic Tumours Biliary SurgeryRadical Cholecystectomy and extended liver resections for gall bladder cancer li> Bile duct resections and redo biliary surgery Surgery for biliary atresia Surgery for choledochal cyst SpecialistsHepatobiliary (HPB) and Liver Transplant Surgeons Gastroenterologist Intervention Radiologist Transplant Anesthetis To Book Your Appointment please call 91 79 4020 3333 or visit



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