1973 Marshall JMP 2203 Head. Jose style mod. Great condition!

Killer modded Marshall. Does the Eddie Brown Sound thing well. Also cleans up crazy good by rolling the volume knob back. All original tolex and piping and is in the best condition of any 40 yr old amp I ve ever seen. It s missing the rear panel that covers the tubes and electronics I got it that way. Does not effect the funtion or play-ability of the amp. Its a factory 6550 amp and is loaded with newer Tung Sol tubes. The mod is a Jose style with a 1 wire post phase inverter master volume allowing the amp to achieve high levels of gain without being cranked. I don t know the history of the mod but I had it checked out by Jim Price of Omega Amplification and he said it looked great and very well done. Might be interested in trading for a Splawn certain Mesa s Orange etc. would also take a 5150 and a good bit of cash as well. Call or text 336 341 683seven...



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