2013 Harley-Davidson Touring

2013 Harley-Davidson Touring Factory perfect in every way. 120 test miles done by the factory in Milwaukee. Full standard 2 year factory Harley Davidson warranty. Paint is metallic white pearl (new color for 2013). It has all factory options including aluminum smooth wheels security with key fobs cruise control anti-lock brake system. Dealer added options include tour pack Sundowner 2 up touring seat adjustable back rest with remote control chrome highway pegs accessory receptacle for plugging in your GPS etc. remote pager receiver (this is radio controlled that you carry with your key fob--if bike is disturbed it will chirp up to a quarter of a mile). You will also save some money on taxes on this bike over the HD dealer. Prices for bike and options are Road King Classic with white pearl paint-- 20 299. Feel free to ask any questions mcbeth.driskill(at)outlook.com



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