Safe to Choose the Best Abortion in India

Termination of pregnancy should be performed in the safest way to avoid further health issues. Vardaan Hospital comprehends the fact and provides the best abortion in India. Both medical and surgical method has been conducted in fully equipped operation premises. All the procedure is supervised under the guidance of Dr. Rekha Khandelwal who is a well-known gynaecologist having more than 30 years of experience in the medical industry. Both domestic and international patients get the same quality of health care services with 24 7 support.Contact Us Vardaan Hospital B-100 Malviya Nagar New Delhi India Phone 91-11-46018201 91-11-26689911 Whatsapp 91-9810154546 Fax 91-11-26682338 Email rekha(at) vardaanhospital(at)



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