277 Castro StSan Francisco CA 94114

Located on a Magnolia tree lined residential street just north of San Francisco s famous Castro District. This quiet residential neighborhood is safe and walkable with nice restaurants and shops. And across Market Street is the historic Castro Street theater restaurants bars and shops. One block away is our weekly Farmer s Market (seasonal). Located within blocks of ALL San Francisco MUNI light rail lines and the historic F line which features historic street cars from around the world and is a fantastic way to travel to Union Square Fisherman s Wharf and more. You won t need a car See the map - look how many parks are located nearby. Hike Play tennis There are a number of tennis courts nearby - play tennis surrounded by redwoods and views of the Golden Gate and San Francisco Bay. Or walk a few blocks down 16th Street to Mission Dolores which is where San Francisco was founded. VIsit the historic wooden church which still holds services in German. Dine outside and enjoy the California sun. TEXT OE CALL 469 205 5900



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