2.9 V-6 Offenhouser Avenger Carb Headers True-Lock Detroit Locke

2.9 V-6 compression 110-120 cold Truck Avenger Carburetor Offenhouser intake manifold Headers Diamond plate muffler Rebuilt transmission for climbing Detroit Locker Yukon Gear and Axle 456 rear end True-Lock front end Front and rear disk brakes 6 lift Radius arms New Goodyear 37x12.5 R 15 LT New steel wheels Racing seats with 5 point belt Custom Snap-lock Tono Cover Separate Full exterior and interior Custom roll cages Extra Heavy Duty Diehard Battery Fog running lights Red carpet set WORKING Tachometer FM stereo Lights Oil pressure gage Heater motorWipers Horn New shield (which leaks rusty floors) 9 ton front rear winch with remote hand switch NEEDS License plate lights and backup lights Some Rust work E-brake mechanism is seized EXTRAS Ford Shop Manual Haynes Repair Manual Rough cut fenders New HD gas shocks New brakelines CO2 canister 3 Yellow Nylon tree hugger strap Extended lift jack New HD floor jack Original carburetor No oil burning or leaking.



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