Free Depression Information Here. Get Educated!

The Hubbard Dianetics Foundation of Ventura is offering free information and help to anyone who is interested in learning about getting rid of depression. Dianetics is a study of the mind. It helps people reduce stress get rid of depression and become happier in life. The techniques of Dianetics has helped millions of people over the last 50 years. Now you can try it for yourself The scientifically proven techniques of Dianetics will help you and your loved ones to live happier lives. If you are interested please call Katie at (805) 644-3993. The Hubbard Dianetics Foundation is a non-profit organization with the purpose of helping people become more stress free and happier in life. We have been serving Ventura for over 20 years now. Please feel free to email or call us. Location Hubbard Dianetics Foundation 3295 Telegraph Road. Ventura CA 93003 email us at Phone (805) 644-3993 Website Copyright 2009 CSMRP. All rights reserved. Dianetics and Scientology are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission. Services relating to Scientology religious philosophy are delivered throughout the world exclusively by licensees of the Church of Scientology International with the permission of Religious Technology Center holder of Scientology and Dianetics trademarks. To contact us please call (805) 644-3993 or write us at 3295 Telegraph RoadVentura California 93003 email us at PromotionforFreedom(at) PromotionforFreedom(at) Phone (805) 644-3993



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