"NEW" White 6x12 Enclosed Trailers *Bargain* BUY TODAY

CALL STEVE NOW in Fayetteville - (910) 705-8330BRAND NEW 6x12 enclosed trailers Available NOW... ON SITE THREE available with standard 6 inside height and ONE trailer with an extra 6 inside height White powder-coated exterior V-shaped front w rear RAMP Single leaf spring axle trailer 3500lb Rear Ramp door not barn doors 32 side door with secure bar lock Ramp door spring assist allows for easier loading V front helps reduce wind drag when driving with trailer Diamond plate stone guard around front of V front Plywood flooring 7 16 OSB Plywood walls 205 75 15 6ply bias ply tires 12v ceiling dome light with wall switch 2 ball hook with safety chainsThree NEW - 6x12 White with standard 6 inside height READY NOW... ON SITE in FAYETTEVILLE for 2 137.00 pre-shipped NO ORDERING NO WAITING One NEW - 6x12 White with EXTRA 6 inside height READY NOW... ON SITE in FAYETTEVILLE for 2 257.00 pre-shipped NO ORDERING NO WAITING Great NEW enclosed trailer for landscaping trailer band equipment hauler motorcycle hauler equipment trailer ATV trailer landscape trailer lawn equipment trailer lawn care service trailer utility trailer BMX bike trailer four wheeler trailer bread trailer cargo trailer toy hauler or moving trailer.WE ALSO DO CUSTOM ORDERS CALL STEVE NOW - (91O) 7O5-833O



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