Registered Solid Paint mare *2007* - Price: $1500

Solid paint mare 2007 edition. Great cow horse or barrel and pole horse. NOT a kid horse and she DOES NOT like dogs or any other small pets. She has about 90 days riding time since she was born. She has a little bit of a temper but it will take the right rider who has penty of time to mess with her to get her to where she needs to be. She is registered and I do have the papers to her. Im asking 1500 but the price is negotiable. I need her gone ASAP. I work two jobs plus school and i dont have the time of day for her. she is a sweet horse. She stands tied for the farier and for a bath. About 15 hands high. I can text email pics. (903) 5741255 OR email ashleigh.norrisfarm94(at) thanks(



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