Medical Data Entry Clerk - Norman, Oklahoma - Compensation: $11.

The main role of the position is to manage patient files from the point of entry to the office through discharge. Maintaining these records is the position s primary function via regular audits confidentiality protection and safe storage. Moreover the position s responsibilities include answering the business phone line. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Answers the phone by identifying the company and speaker in a professional compassionate and helpful manner. Files client and provider related documents in an accurate orderly and timely fashion. Audits all incoming intake packets and creates patient files. Notifies the billing department of non-billable services due lack of patient documentation. Reviews progress notes for formatting and content errors. Maintains client records congruently to the organization s policies and standards. Reviews expiring treatment plans and notifies the providers of the extensions procedure. Facilitating the manual portion of the discharge process in relation to the client s file and official client notification. Oak Tree Counseling Services is located in Norman OK. Hours of operations are Monday thru Friday 8 00 a.m. to 5 00 p.m. PTO and great working environment.



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