PUBLIC SALES REPRESENTATIVES - Compensation: $70K to $100K

Field Representative Positions Full time Monday - Friday. 9 am to 5 pm. What are we about When 17 000 people die every year from intrusion assault robbery and murder. Job security will never be an issue you have to worry about when you work here Professional appearance a good attitude and motivation can help you survive. Our personable simple training program is what you need to succeed Experience Full training includes silent alarm systems cameras cell phones faxes security guards and guns. Training shows exactly why all of these products and services fail to STOP crime. We have the only logical and cost effective solution. Full training is provided In three to four hours you can be working During the evalustion period earn a thirty five dollar commission per sale. This is a lot more than you think to start out in a new field. It takes two minutes to introduce yourself. Eight minutes for them to view our powerpoint presentation. Two to four minutes for questions and to close most every deal. Those who pass and or excel the 30 day evaluation period. You will have the choice of commission or salary plus a reasonable commission. Never waste your gas Work with the business managers and owners in your area or pick a busy area on the way to our office and go to work. After training bring paper work and orders to the office on Tuesdays or Thursdays. This is a ground floor opportunity which means plenty of opportunity for rapid advancement. AND The only way you can fail to make a unbelievable income here is (a) If you do not perform the job description and duties or. (b) If intrusion assault robbery and murder are no longer concerns. If you re a fast learner and hard worker. Your future is about to change for the better. Forever is up to you.



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