Event Specialists needed in NEW MEXICO! - Compensation: DOE - Ho

Advantage Sales and Marketing currently has a number of immediate openings throughout your area. We are looking for outgoing and energetic individuals to conduct in-store demonstrations in major local retailers. As a Food Demonstrator Product Demonstrator you will conduct in-store demonstrations for both food and non-food products to generate excitement brand awareness and drive sales through event execution and promotions. This fun and exciting opportunity will give you a chance to show-off your sales and customer service skills through interaction with consumers. If you like to interact with people and get excited about trying new things then this opportunity is for you Duties and Responsibilities Engage consumers and promote new and exciting products in store Educate yourself on new products and communicate features and benefits to consumers Build strong relationships with store managers and personnel Report event activity on a daily basis through an online reporting system Set-up breakdown and clean product demonstration equipment Qualifications Demonstrations or retail grocery experience desirable Sales and customer service experience a plus Must enjoy working with the general public Must be enthusiastic outgoing and customer service oriented Must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills Must be able to complete shifts as schedule Must be at least 18 years of age High school diploma or equivalency required. Must have a windows-based computer with reliable and consistent daily access to the Internet Must pass background drug screen If necessary must be willing to take a food safety handling training online (Paid) Locations Available Farmington NM Santa Fe NM Shiprock NM Albuquerque NM Schedule Up to 35 hours per week Number of days scheduled will vary from week to week. 6 hour shifts w 30 minute break. Compensation competitive benefits package. This is a direct-hire opportunity. For immediate consideration please contact Ashley Walker at 323-952-3768 or email ashley.walker(at)asmnet.com and must apply online at www.asmnet.com careers. Advantage Sales and Marketing is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to fostering diversity in the workplace.



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