Journeyman Electrician - $1,000 Sign-on Bonus - Compensation: $2

Mister Sparky the largest fastest growing electrical service company in the nation has an immediate opening for a professional electrician in order to meet our increased call volume. We are offering a full-time position in a company that is head and shoulders above our competition. We offer paid training great benefits and the best pay out there. Steady work all year long Do you have what it takes Licensed Journeyman Electrician with a minimum of 5 years experience. Well groomed Drug free Valid Driver s License Able to pass background check Strong communication skillsWe offer Top pay Insurance (Medical dental vision) Vacation pay Ongoing training Top of the line service vehicles Team atmosphere Excellent earning potential 1 000 Sign-on bonusIf you are excellent at what you do enjoy working with people and want to be a part of an excellent team send your resume via email and or call Selena at (405)735-9303.



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