I m a Magician for Hire - Price: $30 for 30 Minuites

I am 17 years old and i am an inspiring magician. I have been doing magic for about 2 years and i am very good. I can do many tricks that are very professional such as levitation of a borrowed objectswallow a coin and have it end up in my shoetake smoke from a source have it travel through my body and out of my mouth and also many comical tricks (I have over 45 magic tricks )I want to use the money to pay for learning more tricks. I mostly do close up magic so gatherings parties small work events will give you a guaranteed mind-blown reaction or your money back. (NOTE I also do fushigi ball(contact juggling Actual Juggling Parlor Tricks and many other street performing tricks to give you a variety rather than just only magic if you want) 30 for 30 Minuites(Tutoring in magic is also possible. Contact me for more info.)



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