Back support belts from thailand

Back support belts deliver the firm support, comfort and durability to prevent lower back and abdominal injuries during heavy-duty lifting activities. Support stays keep them from riding up or down. It is machine washable, adjustable two-stage closure adjusts first for exact fit, and then for desired level of tension when ready to lift, to help remind wearer to lift properly. Features detachable suspenders allow the support to be worn with or without suspenders for personal preference of user. In my store, you can purchase: Industrial Back Support Belt, Deluxe Lumbar support, Posture Support, Abdominal Support and more. The standard specification: * Webbing to help prevent ride-up * Polyethylene plastic stays provide support and strength * Easy care, washable belt * Black, White and Cream Colors * Available in sizes, S, M, L, XL, XXL Starting price: 350 baht Please note that once purchased, you should use back support belt immediately. Should not be stored for a long time. And it should be kept in a cold location and should not be kept in high moisture area. Address: 10/ 7 Trendy Plaza, Sukhumvit Soi 13, Bangkok Tel: 092-925-3615 (10 am - 6 pm)



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