Gatormade Gooseneck Dual Tandem Axle Trailer 25 10Tons

DG2025DE Gooseneck 25 Dual Tandem Axle Trailer Tilt Dovetail Electric Brake Oak Wood FloorTool Box with Locking LID Between Uprights SPECIFICATIONSHitch Type 4-bolt 5-position pintle hitchAxles (2) 20 000 lb. axles with oil bath bearingsBed Type tilt dovetailBed Length 25 standard (20 flat 5 dovetail)Bed Width 102 standardBed Height 36 from ground level (approx.)Capacity 48 000 lb. GVWRTrailer Weight 8 000 lb. (approx.)Brakes 12 1 4 x 7 1 2 air brakesTires 235 75R 17.5 radialsOpen on weekendFinancing is availableCall 615-395-4535 or 615-861-0750



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