Shih tzu

This fall you don t need to fall into leaves, but u can fall into love with adorable puppies. Let them warm you up on breezy days with kisses and hugs. What is better then having a new friend before the cold winter. So you can spend endless night together by the fireplace. We have four handsome boys, two gold n whites and 2 silver n white.They will be ready for new homes around labor day. best thing about boys are they are easily able to be potty trained. They will start outdoor potty training at 3 week. All puppies with be utd on shots and worming treatments. Please visit site website for videos n pictures more information and pet health guarantee. watchv=AuOWyTHGQy8&feature=share ps One myth about boys are they always spray. But normally they dont spray unless it a learned behavior or if they sense a another male around. This however really decreases once sprayed.



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