PRICE REDUCED on this Gorgeous Brick Home for Sale in Howe TX

PRICE REDUCED Gorgeous Brick Home for Sale in Howe TX305 Elm Street Howe TX 75459 105 000 4 BEDROOMS 1 (1 full ) BATHROOMSThis is an Adorable Brick Home Perfect for Starter Home. Vaulted Ceilings Welcome you in the Living Room. There are 4 bedrooms and 1 baths. New Soffit and Fascia. New Vinyl Floors New Paint New Bathroom Shower Tile. Very Clean and Ready for a Quick Move In. Huge backyard Has 3 storage Buildings.This gorgeous brick home for sale in Howe TX just had its price reduced Now at 105 000 it won t last long in the market. It is within the zip code region of 75459. Don t miss your chance to own this stunning sweet home This property is approximately 1396 square feet single family home.The home for sale in Howe TX is in a good location. It is nearby 3 schools Howe Elementary Howe Middle and Howe High School. Any closer to the school and you would be in class.Also there are nearby good rated restaurants like My Estrella Abby s Restaurant Sonic and Milano s Pizza.Snap to it Properties like this don t come on the market too often. Schedule a showing before everyone else be the first to get the details or be notified of any price or status changes in the future. Or call The Fejeran Group at 972-948-0715.



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