Swimming Pool 5 bedroom 3 car 3040sqft

CALL ME TO VIEW 505-450-3779 ALFONSO SALAZAR www.nmhometeam.com listing 863924-3804-spyglass-loop-se-rio-rancho-nm-87 124 this BEAUTIFUL home in the desirable High Resort neighborhood With 5 bedrooms 3 baths this two story home sits on a .26 acre lot. There is a 3 car garage with backyard access and room for RV parking on side. Downstairs features a large kitchen with LOTS of cabinets shelving and granite counter tops formal dining room 2 living areas hardwood flooring and a large bedroom and full bath. The upstairs offers 4 bedrooms including a spacious Master Bedroom with walk-in closet sitting window full bathroom with garden tub shower and double vanity. You will also LOVE the upper deck which offers 180 views of the beautiful Sandias. The grassy backyard was MADE FOR ENTERTAINING with an in-ground pool large flagstone patio raised garden area and shed



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