1980 Chevrolet Corvette For Sale In Rogersville Alabama 35652

This 1980 Chevrolet Corvette with T-Top was nearly completely restored in 2010. This Corvette is powered by a 350CI engine with 4 speed manual transmission. This Corvette is a joy to drive. This car is for sale by the 2nd owner. The restoration included Beautiful New Carpet Reupholstered Seats New Clear Coat Engine Rebuilt Top & Bottom With Forged Internals & Mild Camshaft Long Tube Headers 650 CFM 4 Barrel Carburetor Tarantuala Intake Manifold Mallory Ignition Coil Included New Pacer 67C Rims & Tires Dual Flowmaster Exhaust New Front & Rear Suspension Battery Replaced This 1980 Chevrolet Corvette has always been garaged. This beautiful restoration is a true gem. Priced to sell don t miss the chance to feel the power of this Corvette. Start turning heads call for details today More Picturers Available



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