Social Sweat Barre and The Bay

Enjoy a morning of fitness and fun Milwaukee Magazine s Social Sweat event brings you a full-body barre workout at Pure Barre followed by refreshments and mingling at The Bay Restaurant. Grab your friends and join us Saturday May 14 at 10 30 a.m. for fitness and fun. Your 10 ticket includes - 55-minute full-body Pure Barre class. - Complimentary beverage at The Bay Restaurant after class includes a sangria mimosa or bloody mary. - A copy of Milwaukee Magazine s latest Milwaukee Health issue. WHAT IS PURE BARRE Utilizing the ballet barre to perform small isometric movements set to fantastic music Pure Barre is a total body workout that lifts your seat tones your thighs abs and arms and burns fat in record-breaking time. This is a great chance to check out 2 of the area s most popular hot spots. Hurry space is limited Raffle prizes and giveaways sponsored by Tickets available for purchase on-line only. Tickets must be purchased prior to event. Must be 21yrs or older to attend....



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