Exterior shelter (Sprung) 40 X90 X20"H

This Sprung Structure needs to be dismantaled and moved off site. Ideal shelter for machine storage hay or grain storage riding arena RV s storage whatever you need to protect. With aRolling door at either end for huge enterances and exits. Located on the farm just southj of Cremona since the 1990 s the exterior membrane is now failing and needs replacement. Sprungs website states life expectance of this membrane is 15 to 30 years a that they can supply it and any other parts including the labor for assembly if required. I woudl consider a alternative of strapping with 2X wood material plywood and finish with sheetmetal and or shingles. This is a very easy building to disasemble and re-erect. The potential and uses of this very valuable structure are endless.Albert 403 396 3920



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