235 Acres (ml) For Sale

SE 4 & the S 2 of the NE 4 of 19-17S-5W Marquette Tpownship McPherson County KS.The property is located 12 miles west of Lindsborg KS. on Hiway 4 and 1 2 mile south on 1st St. The site has an estimated 84 acres tillable farm ground and 151 acrees of pasture. The soil types found in this tract consist mainly of Class 2 & Class 3 soils. Geary Tobin Wells & Smolan represent the tract completely and are consistent with soils in the area for upland grain farming & rangeland.There is a running creek on the southeast area of the tract and at least one pond in the pasture area. The pasture is fenced and has 2 corral areas along 1st Street.There is a gas pipeline easement across the acreage.2015 county real estate taxes - 970.70.Sale price 560 000 ( 2 382 per acre) Call listing agent Carol Gusenius (785-906-0285) or sales associate Karl Esping (785-452-1519).



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