Lindsborg Small Acreage and Farm Home

Enjoy Farm Life Just Minutes From Lindsborg - Excellent Set-Up For Horses A large shaded yard surrounds the 2 story home with detached double garage. Traditional mud room entry leads to generously sized eat-in kitchen with adjacent 3 4 bath & laundry hookups (stackable washer dryer included in sale). The large living dining room is accessed by a more formal outside entrance. A bay window with leaded glass & built-in storage are featured in this area. A front main floor room addtiion can be used as office or bedroom.The central staircase leads to the upper level bedrooms and full bath. All 3 bedrooms boast beautiful pine flooring and large walk-in closets. There is a generous linen storage closet in the hall bath. The full attic is great for storage and is accessed by a stairway.The basement has interior & exterior doors and is clean & dry. The home is heated by a propane fired central furnace and also has central air conditioning. A private water well in the west yard services the house and corral tank hydrant. The composition roof has newer underlayment visible in the attic. The home s exterior is metal siding. Septic tank and laterals are locoated in the large grassy area west of the house.Outside buildings include a machine shed (est. 36 x 80 ) general purpose barn (est. 34 x 34 ) and other misc. buildings & corrals. The est. 7 acres being sold surrounds the west machine shed north around the outbuildings and back south to the driveway east of the house.



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